Verzuim & Poortwachter SAP ERP

Support stakeholders in the absenteeism process with clear documentation and monitoring of all activities crucial for compliance with laws and regulations.

Discover the possibilities of Illness Management

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With the myBrand Illness Management solution, it is possible to support the illness process digital in SAP SuccessFactors. The illness process is a complex one, where support is crucial to comply with laws and regulations. The myBrand Illness Management solution assists you throughout the entire illness process, from reporting sick leave to the WIA application. It proactively informs you about approaching deadlines and generates necessary documents upon request*.

SAP SuccessFactors Verzuim & Poortwachter
SAP SuccessFactors Verzuim & Poortwachter
SAP SuccessFactors Verzuim & Poortwachter
SAP SuccessFactors Verzuim & Poortwachter
SAP SuccessFactors Verzuim & Poortwachter
SAP SuccessFactors Verzuim & Poortwachter

With myBrand Illness Management you can

  • Enter sickness and return-to-work notifications, taking into account the safety net
  • Maintain Gatekeeper files
  • View historical sickness cases and associated Gatekeeper files
  • Access comprehensive reports (SAP SuccessFactors version)
  • Generate documents
  • Download complete Gatekeeper files
  • Generate Gatekeeper reports with an overview of all activities
  • Proactively send notifications when Gatekeeper activities are (almost) due to expire and/or when sickness notifications are entered or modified

All functionalities of the myBrand Illness Management solution utilize the authorization roles as implemented within your HR system (SAP HCM or SAP SuccessFactors).

Illness Management is available as an add-on to SAP HCM and as a SuccessFactors Extension (Cloud).

Security testing of myBrand Illness Management

The security of the myBrand Illness Management solution has been extensively tested. This test was conducted by a company specializing in online application security. The test examined whether the application could be accessed without the proper authorizations, whether the assigned authorizations could be violated, and whether issues such as SQL injections could be executed.

Our product has passed this test very well!

The following text is extracted from the report prepared based on the test:

During this penetration test, it was not possible to gain unauthorized access to the application or to exceed the limited access rights from a user role.

The penetration test was conducted following the OWASP v3 guidelines and the PTES (Penetration Testing Execution Standard) framework.

* For generating templates from myBrand Illness Management, the myBrand Document Generator is required, additional costs may apply.

Experiences from our customers

“I experienced the collaboration with myBrand as very pleasant. In their communication they are very concrete, very clear and keep the lines short. In addition, they think proactively about our situation.”

“Our collaboration with myBrand enabled us to service our employees faster and with a high accuracy rate. The team was always there to support and went the extra mile with all the challenges we faced. We are looking forward to our future projects together!”

“We wanted to achieve a clear, uniform HR landscape for all countries. myBrand quickly came into the picture as a partner for the implementation.”